Luis Javier Salvatierra
2014-08-27 15:47:26 UTC
Muy buenas,
El Grupo de Inteligencia Computational está organizando una congreso
sobre Python desde el*26 al 28 de Septiembre* llamado Python San
Sebastián 2014: <>
El congreso se va a realizar en el *Palacio Miramar*. Será en inglés ya
que vienen extranjeros de Francia, Suiza, Suecia e Inglaterra.
Tenemos ya de Keynote speakers a:
*Ben Nuttal* de la Raspberry Pi Foundation.
*David Cuartielles* de Arduino.
*Gael Varoquaux:* investigador en INRIA, que trabaja con machine
learning y resonancia magnética cerebral.
y creemos que viene uno más.
Nos gustarÃa que os animárais también a dar charlas o compartir vuestra
experiencia con Python en las lighting talks.
Para los *alumnos de la Universidad* vamos a hacer un precio especial
que no está en la web, de 30 euros que incluye participación en el
congreso y los coffee breaks. Las comidas no podremos incluirlas. No
estamos ganando dinero con las entradas, las entradas son para que se
haga posible el congreso.
También estamos pensando en dar tutoriales sobre Python (uno
introductorio y otro de análisis de datos, aunque es posible que David
Cuartielles quiera dar un tutorial sobre Arduino) el viernes 26 durante
toda la mañana. El precio del workshop son 20 euros, incluye coffee
break y será en la facultad de Informática de San Sebastián.
Dejo más información abajo y si tenéis dudas, escribidme a:
*** <mailto:***>
Muchas gracias.
Un saludo,
We promised and we deliver: Python San Sebastián 2014 (PySS14) is happening!
It will take place during the last weekend of September: 26th to 28th.
We want to share great ideas and a great city with awesome people
excited about sharing brilliant ideas and tricks of the trade while
enjoying a unique site (and food). Keynote speakers will be announced,
having in mind that the goal is to have a highly participative event.
Our objective is to meet Python developers in the area and start
creating a community of Python enthusiasts where we can share ideas and
create new synergies.
The venue:
The conference will take place in the Palacio de Miramar, a beautiful
English palace in front of La Concha bay.
We will host technical and scientific talks of 30 to 45 minutes from
Friday afternoon to Sunday.
We know that all the people coming to the event have something to offer
to us, so we encourage you to send us an abstract and give a talk during
the conference. Please, register your talk here: The collection of contributions will be
gathered into an ebook that will be released through the University
Publication Services. Style is free, but contributions will have a
perfunctory revision for baseline quality requirements.
There is a local group of developers willing to participate in a
hands-on course. It will happen on Friday morning. The topic is not
decided yet, if you have any proposal to do it, we would like hear it.
It might be an introduction to Python for beginners, a
scientific/mathematical course or a course on very specific Python
modules. Everyone interested in an specific course, please send us an
email with your topic of interest and we will include it in a poll to
decide on the topic.
The people who register in the conference, will have 50% percent
discount (15 euro) on the workshop ticket, enough to pay for the coffee
The workshop ticket can be paid on Thursday or during the conference.
Social events:
There will be two social events, very typical Basque night outs. On
Friday, a random walk through selected bars in the old part of the city
tasting delicious âPintxosâ. On Saturday, we will get together in a
cider house for dinner.
During the conference there will be coffee breaks and lunch every day,
which are included in the standard ticket.
Early registration is already open and you can register through our web
The price of the standard registration (without social event) is 100â¬.
The standard ticket plus social event is 150â¬
We also offer other options, which include 2 or 3 nights in an
individual room in a nice hotel/student residence near the venue. If you
do not want to worry about your hotel we will can take care of it for
you. More information in the web page and please email us if you have
any question.
Please, find more information in our web site ( or you
can contact us replying to this email. We are also on Twitter @pyss14.
Thank you very much.
Yours sincerely,
Alexandre Manhães Savio cid:***
PhD, Medical Imaging, Machine Learning
Grupo de Inteligencia Computacional <> UPV/EHU
home <> | email: ***
/It is important to find simple solutions instead of stopping as soon as
a first solution is found/
Donald Knuth
El Grupo de Inteligencia Computational está organizando una congreso
sobre Python desde el*26 al 28 de Septiembre* llamado Python San
Sebastián 2014: <>
El congreso se va a realizar en el *Palacio Miramar*. Será en inglés ya
que vienen extranjeros de Francia, Suiza, Suecia e Inglaterra.
Tenemos ya de Keynote speakers a:
*Ben Nuttal* de la Raspberry Pi Foundation.
*David Cuartielles* de Arduino.
*Gael Varoquaux:* investigador en INRIA, que trabaja con machine
learning y resonancia magnética cerebral.
y creemos que viene uno más.
Nos gustarÃa que os animárais también a dar charlas o compartir vuestra
experiencia con Python en las lighting talks.
Para los *alumnos de la Universidad* vamos a hacer un precio especial
que no está en la web, de 30 euros que incluye participación en el
congreso y los coffee breaks. Las comidas no podremos incluirlas. No
estamos ganando dinero con las entradas, las entradas son para que se
haga posible el congreso.
También estamos pensando en dar tutoriales sobre Python (uno
introductorio y otro de análisis de datos, aunque es posible que David
Cuartielles quiera dar un tutorial sobre Arduino) el viernes 26 durante
toda la mañana. El precio del workshop son 20 euros, incluye coffee
break y será en la facultad de Informática de San Sebastián.
Dejo más información abajo y si tenéis dudas, escribidme a:
*** <mailto:***>
Muchas gracias.
Un saludo,
We promised and we deliver: Python San Sebastián 2014 (PySS14) is happening!
It will take place during the last weekend of September: 26th to 28th.
We want to share great ideas and a great city with awesome people
excited about sharing brilliant ideas and tricks of the trade while
enjoying a unique site (and food). Keynote speakers will be announced,
having in mind that the goal is to have a highly participative event.
Our objective is to meet Python developers in the area and start
creating a community of Python enthusiasts where we can share ideas and
create new synergies.
The venue:
The conference will take place in the Palacio de Miramar, a beautiful
English palace in front of La Concha bay.
We will host technical and scientific talks of 30 to 45 minutes from
Friday afternoon to Sunday.
We know that all the people coming to the event have something to offer
to us, so we encourage you to send us an abstract and give a talk during
the conference. Please, register your talk here: The collection of contributions will be
gathered into an ebook that will be released through the University
Publication Services. Style is free, but contributions will have a
perfunctory revision for baseline quality requirements.
There is a local group of developers willing to participate in a
hands-on course. It will happen on Friday morning. The topic is not
decided yet, if you have any proposal to do it, we would like hear it.
It might be an introduction to Python for beginners, a
scientific/mathematical course or a course on very specific Python
modules. Everyone interested in an specific course, please send us an
email with your topic of interest and we will include it in a poll to
decide on the topic.
The people who register in the conference, will have 50% percent
discount (15 euro) on the workshop ticket, enough to pay for the coffee
The workshop ticket can be paid on Thursday or during the conference.
Social events:
There will be two social events, very typical Basque night outs. On
Friday, a random walk through selected bars in the old part of the city
tasting delicious âPintxosâ. On Saturday, we will get together in a
cider house for dinner.
During the conference there will be coffee breaks and lunch every day,
which are included in the standard ticket.
Early registration is already open and you can register through our web
The price of the standard registration (without social event) is 100â¬.
The standard ticket plus social event is 150â¬
We also offer other options, which include 2 or 3 nights in an
individual room in a nice hotel/student residence near the venue. If you
do not want to worry about your hotel we will can take care of it for
you. More information in the web page and please email us if you have
any question.
Please, find more information in our web site ( or you
can contact us replying to this email. We are also on Twitter @pyss14.
Thank you very much.
Yours sincerely,
Alexandre Manhães Savio cid:***
PhD, Medical Imaging, Machine Learning
Grupo de Inteligencia Computacional <> UPV/EHU
home <> | email: ***
/It is important to find simple solutions instead of stopping as soon as
a first solution is found/
Donald Knuth